The great lakes, and therefore the water suppies, are threatened because of the cehmicals that infest them. The following excerpt is extracted from Environment Canada.... :
The Great Lakes: chemical hot spot
Over 360 chemical compounds that have been identified in the Great Lakes. Many are persistent toxic chemicals – alkylated lead, benzo(a)pyrene, DDT, mercury and mirex – potentially dangerous to humans and already destructive to the aquatic ecosystems.
For example, various species of fish now suffer from tumours and lesions, and their reproductive capacities are decreasing. Populations of fish consuming birds and mammals also seem to be on the decline. Of the ten most highly valued species of fish in Lake Ontario, seven have now almost totally vanished.
It seems to me that many people are very unaware of their individual contribution to water pollution. Considering that the great lakes have provided clean water, space for leisure activities, and tourism for decades; it is heartbreaking and scary to read that the changes being made to protect our water supply, now, may not be enough or may not happen soon enough to protect populations in the future.
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