Friday, June 1, 2007

Intro To Blog Assignment

My name is Sarah and I am a fourth year student at the University of British Columbia. I am currently engaged in the GEOG 350: Intro to Urban Geography course, which runs May - August 2007 through correspondence. This Blog, a requirement of this course, will focus on the ongoing upgrades occuring at the Ravensview Water Pollution Control Plant located in Kingston Ontario. Due to my place of employment this summer, I drive past the project site on my way to and from work. I hope to educate myself, as well as my classmates and Professor, about the effects (benefits/consequences) that these upgrades will have on the City of Kingston during these summer months and in the future.

The Ravensview Water Pollution Control Plant, first built in 1957, is undergoing upgrades which began in 2006 and are scheduled to conclude in 2009. This upgrading project is supported by the Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund, The Government of Ontario and The City of Kingston with an initial budget of 115$ million dollars. Utilities Kingston states that upgrading this plant is the largest capital project EVER undertaken by the City of Kingston. As a result, I believe following Ravensview upgrades over the next few months will be extremely relevant to the future urban development of Kingston, and also this course!

Fortunately, Utilities Kingston has a website which keeps Kingston residents informed about the progress of this large project. I invite all of you to take a look at this website, which includes: a 24-hour project information hotline (613-546-0000 - ext.4322), "latest project updates", proposed upgrades, completed upgrades, project objectives and much more.

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