The following is a Q&A posted by Utilities Kingston (as a link), on the Ravensview webpage, for neighbours to the work site:
Q: Why is Utilities Kingston undertaking this expansion?
A: Increasing the capacity of the Ravensview Water Pollution Control Plant through an upgrade to secondary treatment will ensure continued growth and redevelopment of the areas it services. The completion of this initiative will greatly enhance the quality of life of the residents in the City of Kingston and contribute to the protection and health of the environment and water quality in Lake Ontario.
Q: What is the cost?
A: The budget for this project is $115 Million.
Q: When will construction begin?
A: Construction was started on site in August 2006 and will be ongoing for three years.
Q: What will happen first on the site?
A: The site has already been prepared for construction; initial activities include mobilization and installation of various construction trailers and installation of hoarding and fencing around the site to ensure safety for local residents. Once this work is completed, there will be excavation and blasting to prepare for construction of various concrete structures.
Q: If you are going to blast, how will we know?
A: Up to four to five single blast events per workday are anticipated. In accordance with standard practice, three long and loud whistles will be given a few minutes before each blast followed by the blast itself and then a single long whistle to confirm that the blast was successfully carried out.
Q: How long will the blasting last?
A: The blasting will last approximately 3 months.
Q: How is the traffic going to enter the site?
A: Traffic entering and leaving Ravensview will use the existing road at the site. This should reduce inconvenience to local residents.
Q: Won't the extra traffic on Highway # 2 make the road dangerous for local residents?
A: The traffic issues on Highway # 2 will be monitored and Utilities Kingston will liaise with the City of Kingston Traffic Engineer and Kingston Police Service to resolve any traffic issues. Construction entrance signs have already been erected east and west of the site urging drivers to watch for slow turning trucks.
Q: Where will construction workers park?
A: Parking will be provided on-site for workers. All parking is planned near the main access road off the main entrance from Highway #2.
Q: Will there be a lot of dust with the construction?
A: During the initial construction, there will be some dust because of on-site excavation and the movement of equipment. This is monitored as part of the Environmental Protection Plan and sweeping or water spraying will be used to keep the dust to a minimum. The Ontario Ministry of the Environment has regulations concerning construction dust and we will follow these guidelines throughout the project.
Q: If I have a problem, who should I call?
A: For concerns or inquiries related to the project please contact Utilities Kingston Project Manager Allen Lucas, at 613-546-1181 ext. 2250
Q: How late will the construction last at night?
A: Construction will normally take place during regular working hours. However, there may be times when it will be necessary to work later to complete important time sensitive tasks. We will work with the contactor to minimize these occurrences and notify the local residents should work late in the evening be needed.
Q: Will the construction impact my drainage?
A: No, we do not anticipate any changes to local drainage patterns as a result of the construction nor during construction activities.
A: Increasing the capacity of the Ravensview Water Pollution Control Plant through an upgrade to secondary treatment will ensure continued growth and redevelopment of the areas it services. The completion of this initiative will greatly enhance the quality of life of the residents in the City of Kingston and contribute to the protection and health of the environment and water quality in Lake Ontario.
Q: What is the cost?
A: The budget for this project is $115 Million.
Q: When will construction begin?
A: Construction was started on site in August 2006 and will be ongoing for three years.
Q: What will happen first on the site?
A: The site has already been prepared for construction; initial activities include mobilization and installation of various construction trailers and installation of hoarding and fencing around the site to ensure safety for local residents. Once this work is completed, there will be excavation and blasting to prepare for construction of various concrete structures.
Q: If you are going to blast, how will we know?
A: Up to four to five single blast events per workday are anticipated. In accordance with standard practice, three long and loud whistles will be given a few minutes before each blast followed by the blast itself and then a single long whistle to confirm that the blast was successfully carried out.
Q: How long will the blasting last?
A: The blasting will last approximately 3 months.
Q: How is the traffic going to enter the site?
A: Traffic entering and leaving Ravensview will use the existing road at the site. This should reduce inconvenience to local residents.
Q: Won't the extra traffic on Highway # 2 make the road dangerous for local residents?
A: The traffic issues on Highway # 2 will be monitored and Utilities Kingston will liaise with the City of Kingston Traffic Engineer and Kingston Police Service to resolve any traffic issues. Construction entrance signs have already been erected east and west of the site urging drivers to watch for slow turning trucks.
Q: Where will construction workers park?
A: Parking will be provided on-site for workers. All parking is planned near the main access road off the main entrance from Highway #2.
Q: Will there be a lot of dust with the construction?
A: During the initial construction, there will be some dust because of on-site excavation and the movement of equipment. This is monitored as part of the Environmental Protection Plan and sweeping or water spraying will be used to keep the dust to a minimum. The Ontario Ministry of the Environment has regulations concerning construction dust and we will follow these guidelines throughout the project.
Q: If I have a problem, who should I call?
A: For concerns or inquiries related to the project please contact Utilities Kingston Project Manager Allen Lucas, at 613-546-1181 ext. 2250
Q: How late will the construction last at night?
A: Construction will normally take place during regular working hours. However, there may be times when it will be necessary to work later to complete important time sensitive tasks. We will work with the contactor to minimize these occurrences and notify the local residents should work late in the evening be needed.
Q: Will the construction impact my drainage?
A: No, we do not anticipate any changes to local drainage patterns as a result of the construction nor during construction activities.
When you drive by the site, you realize that the area under construction is quite large. Neighbours to the site may be concerned about noise, how this project will effect theit property and the duration of the project. Utilities Kingston seeks to eliminate some of their stress by providing answers to common questions on the webpage.
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